
Check out how these 5 innovative brands are leading the way through Covid-19

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

It may be a dark and difficult time for everyone in the UK and beyond right now, but there are still plenty of positive stories to lift our spirits.

Here we take a look at some great examples of brands grabbing the bull by the horns, adapting, innovating and spreading positivity throughout the country.

And we’re super-proud to say that they’re all our fab clients too!

1. Dettol — supporting the NHS

Pledging its support for those selflessly keeping the UK safe and healthy, leading disinfectant brand Dettol is donating 150,000 care packages to NHS staff.

In total, Dettol will provide £1m of aid to help support the NHS in the fight against Covid-19, including donated media space to support vital public health announcements to drive behavioural change and improved hygiene awareness.

2. Creative Nature — seizing ad space opportunity

Growing superfood brand Creative Nature found an innovative way to recover from the cancellation of their John Lewis product launch event, inevitably caused by the Covid-19 crisis.

The brand’s range of allergen-free baking mixes and Gnawbles (tasty chocolate rice balls) are being showcased all around London on 50 foot high digital screens, accompanied by the hashtags #StayHomeAndBake and #NibbleMyGnawbles.

Creative Nature has donated hundreds of snack bars to their local Walton and Hersham foodbank in Surrey, which is part of the Trussell Trust network.

Durex3. Durex — ‘Let’s Not Go Back to Normal’

Now that we’re starting to see a change in lockdown restrictions, many people are looking forward to going back to normal.

Durex are cleverly flipping this sentiment on its head with their ‘Let’s Not Go Back to Normal’ ad campaign, because norms such as making rubbish excuses not to wear a condom and one million needless STIs per day tell us that “normal” really wasn’t good enough.

4. Eat Natural — feeding NHS staff and the homeless

With many of their usual events being cancelled due to the pandemic, Eat Natural are doing everything they can to put their spare snack bars to good use.

The all-natural snack bar brand are sending bars directly to our local NHS hospitals to fuel their hard working staff and to homeless charity Shelter UK, as part of their ongoing charity work.

Eat Natural recently revealed some of their manufacturing secrets from their Essex Makery on BBC Two’s Inside The Factory!

5. Lintbells — #RescueYourRescue

The UK’s leading pet supplement company, Lintbells, launched #RescueYourRescue, a nationwide emergency fund-raising appeal that will urgently provide Lintbellsvital funds for pet rescue charities affected by Covid-19.

RescueYourRescue will rapidly raise funds to help safeguard the future of pet rescue charities and the animals that rely on them.

Lintbells pumped in £10,000 to kick-start the project, with the aim of raising a total of £250k. Launched with support from veteran broadcaster and the legendary voice of Crufts, Peter Purves, #RescueYourRescue encourages pet owners who can afford to help to donate a minimum of £2 per person.

Great work one and all!

We’re proud to be working with such innovative brands!

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