
Amazon Promotions Strategy

Amazon promotions can help brands to gain attention and win sales!

Through incentives that encourage shoppers to buy your products at certain points during the year.

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Why do you need a promotions strategy?

Taking advantage of promotions on Amazon can be a great way to make sales and increase brand and product visibility.

You may have some old stock that you are looking to sell off before the introduction of newer models, or you may be wanting to promote some of your lower performing organic selling products. Whatever your reasons, getting a promotion strategy in place is a good idea.

Identifying which products you want to run a promotion on is just one element of the strategy, the type of promotion to run (maybe ‘Deal of the Day’ or a ‘Lightning Deal’ if you are trying to sell stock quickly) and also when to run promotions (identifying key trends/events related to your product and also key dates in retail e.g. Black Friday) are key considerations too.

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How can we help?

Getting an Amazon promotions strategy in place involves knowing which products should be used for a promotion, which promotion type to run, and at which time(s) throughout a year or period.

We help brands formulate promotions strategies that identify and matchmake products and promotions that support your overall Amazon vision, including:

  • Identification of which products should be included in a promotion
  • Recommendations of the best type of promotion for a particular product or event and date
  • Set out a promotion schedule to help you capitalise on key events and dates related to your brand and products

If you need support with the development of an Amazon Promotions Strategy, we can help. Contact us today to find out how we can amplify your sales. You can also send a messagetweet us or connect with us on LinkedIn.

Arrow up iconhigher product placement
Arrow up iconincrease traffic
Arrow up iconboost relevancy
Arrow up iconamplify sales
Arrow up iconraise conversion rates
Arrow up iconincrease buy box %

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